This Ambiance Will Break a Window if You Play it Loud Enough: Inspired by Markus Almond
- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
4:30 AM in Bushwick
Your typewriter desk (really, just a card table you found on the curb one day) is pushed against the window with the fire escape. Looking out onto Wyckoff Ave, you wonder if today has already bled into tomorrow. The thumping bass from the nightclub next door rattles your walls, even as the club's patrons are starting to stumble off toward the L Train.
You're maybe-still-drunk from last night. Your friend's band sucked, but the cute bartender was working at the dive across the street, though, and she always pours strong drinks. Your stash of savings is getting low. It's high time to send something off to the publisher.
The earliest commuters are starting to creep out onto the still-dark street. You decide to ride the rest of your gin-buzz into finishing this manuscript. Half-pages and half-poems litter the floor around you. The sun is rising over Brooklyn. Maybe you should have just gone home with that bartender.
[This is a love letter to NYC written by a native daughter.]
Comments for "4:30 AM in Bushwick"
License details for "4:30 AM in Bushwick"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Train passing in the distance. by blastwavefx +)
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