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Ch 3: Gavin Shows You the City
You’ve been under the care of Jack and Jeremy for the past 4 days. Jack has grown into a motherly figure, fitting for your new “family”. Jeremy, now dubbed Lil’ J, has elected himself to be your big brother figure making sure you the laugh when you need it.
You navigate your way through the lavish penthouse towards the kitchen for some pizza you had hidden from the rest of the crew. Learning how quickly food disappears in the household, you had hidden your pizza underneath some vegetables in a drawer in the fridge.
You go to grab your pizza when you overhear a conversation. Curious, you perch yourself on the counter and listen in as you eat your pizza.
“Gav, shut the fuck up for a sec, will you? Y/N is still getting settled in with Jack helping. They still need to meet the rest of the crew before they can do things with us!” You hear and annoyed Jeremy say to whom you can only assume is Gavin based on the stories Jack has told.
From what you know, Gavin, or the Golden Boy, is known for his love of mischief. He is best buds with Michael and has a silver tongue that is good for getting them both in and out of trouble. You’ve heard he was the crew's original hacker but since has switched to more fieldwork.
“Jeremy, how can Y/N meet the team when half of them aren’t even bloody here!?! They need to learn the farting city they are probably gonna spend the rest of there shitting life in first! One of us needs to show Y/N around town.” A very British response is shot back at Jeremy.
You hear him sigh and say, “Alright. Gavin, lemme make you a deal here pal. I’ll talk to Y/N and see if they are up for exploring the town tomorrow, but, you have to be the one to take them.”
“Fine.” the golden boy spat.
You hear them exit the room and walk towards the kitchen you are currently dwelling. Jeremy walks in looking down at his phone with Gavin on his heals. Jeremy jumps at the sight of you making Gain slam into the back of him.
Gavin is a lanky young man with bronzed skin and golden sun-bleached hair. Fitting for his “Golden Boy” persona. He wears a blue button-down shirt with a pair of gold aviators in the pocket accompanied by jeans, white tennis shoes, and a gold chain with a watch to match.
“Holy shit Y/NN (nickname) you scared me!” Jeremy states frightened at your gremlin-like perching.
“Sup, Lil’ J! Heard your guys’ conversation you guys had in the other room.” You said smiling knowing what is going to happen next.
“Oh… I uh… Alright. Well, this is Gavin. He’s a prick,” Jeremy introduces the brit with a slap on the back earning him a squawk from the insult. “and Gav, this is Y/N, my favorite kid.”
“Y/N, no offense, but you look more like a gremlin perching on the counter like that love.” Gavin finally states directly at you.
In pride you respond with “None taken, it’s nice to meet another member of my new family I guess.”
“Now, that that's over. Gavin, don't you have to ask Y/N something?” Jeremy quips at Gavin, making the brit a little flustered.
“Oh.. uh… yeah. Hey, Y/N, would you be willing to let me show you around Los Santos tomorrow” Gavin asks nervously.
You accept the offer and continue to eat the rest of your pizza while the boys go do something else.
[next day]
You wake up from your first decent sleep since you’ve been with the crew to knocking on your door. Rolling over you read the alarm clock saying 8:00 am and answer.
“Come in.” You say with your voice drenched in sleep and Jeremy appears in the doorframe. He is wearing a tanktop with Spyro the Dragon PJ pants, contrasting with the already dressed Gavin who is behind him in the hallway.
“Hey, Y/NN sorry to wake you. But Gavin wanted to get going early so Jack can take you to pick up Geoff from the airport.” Jeremy says calmly trying not to rattle you too much out of your sleepy haze.
“What time does Geoff get in?” you ask.
“His flight lands at nine, love.” Gavin chimes in, but stays in the same soft tone as Jeremy.
“Alright Gav, give me a half-hour to get up and goin’ and I’ll be ready to rock and roll.”
“Awesome.” Jeremy states
“Top!” Gavin exclaims.
They both leave and you hop out of bed to start your morning laughing to yourself at Gavin’s very British response. Today is going to be fun.
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License details for "Ch 3: Gavin Shows You the City"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Heels on City Sidewalk by hugobeaumont from http://freesound.org +)
- city evening by klankbleed +)
- harbour ambience by rockdoctor from http://freesound.org +)
- Harbour Ambience by www.soundsnap.com *)
- Crowded Megacity by XRT from http://freesound.org +)
- Future Megacity by XRT from http://freesound.org +)
- ambulance sirens by youtube +)
- Muffled Club Music Loop by Youtube +)
*) Soundsnap.com license