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Neon Wasango
Neon Wasango, a sprawling urban hell hole standing miles high and sinking deep into the earth. Black pistons churn, announcements blast, the holograms are always flickering and the only way to navigate is with your AR glasses and a decent connection to the Navigation Overlay Network. Millions of feet of skywalk, millions more of roads, hundreds of millions of people...
A glittering paradise?
Hardly. Neon Wasango is exactly what it seems to be.
It's a black city filled with bright, synthetic neon lights in which, if you look hard enough...
You can find anything.
Mind the gap.
Comments for "Neon Wasango"
License details for "Neon Wasango"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Creepy Choir by alextundra from +)
- Neon Light Sparking by beatnikhannah +)
- Distant Train Horn by IFartInUrGeneralDirection +)
- Pnuematics Hissing by kehbe +)
- Corporate announcement by XRT from +)
- Crowded Megacity by XRT from +)
- Dark city noise pollution 1 by XRT from +)
- 01=rain_on_glass_birds by +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License